Saturday, November 15, 2014

The Chemistry Of Fireworks! :D

  • What is the first thing that comes to your mind when we say fireworks?

Teenagers nowadays refer to fireworks as that feeling you get during your first kiss, some only know it has the famous pop sensation Katy Perry's song "Fireworks!", and others are simply reminded of "Woohoo, Happy New Year!" 

  • But what about the real meaning of firework? The essence of fireworks? The composition of it?

Most people look at it just as a bundle of colourful globes of fire but being science major students, we find it interesting to know how is it made, and we hope you do too...Is it rocket science difficult or is it simply something that we can work out ourselves in chemistry lab?


Generally fireworks generate three very noticeable forms of energy:
- a tremendous release of sound, 
-bright light, 
-and heat. 

The Chemistry of fireworks is based on the simple theory of combustion. The composition inside the firework must however contain 6 vital ingredients which are:
- fuel, 
-coloring agent, 
-oxidizing agent, 
-reducing agent and
- regulator.

 The colors are produced by heating metal salts, such as calcium chloride or sodium nitrate, that emit characteristic colors. The atoms of each element absorb energy and release it as light of specific colors. The energy absorbed by an atom rearranges its electrons from their lowest-energy state, called the ground state, up to a higher-energy state, called an excited state. The excess energy of the excited state is emitted as light, as the electrons descend to lower-energy states, and ultimately, the ground state. The amount of energy emitted is characteristic of the element, and the amount of energy determines the color of the light emitted. For example, when sodium nitrate is heated, the electrons of the sodium atoms absorb heat energy and become excited. This high-energy excited state does not last for long, and the excited electrons of the sodium atom quickly release their energy, about 200 kJ/mol, which is the energy of yellow light.

Looking further into this matter it is said that different chemicals are used to produce different coloured fireworks. Therefore, in order to produce a firework of a certain colour, the correct corresponding chemical or as the case may be, mixture of chemicals can be used, as illustrated below :

Organic Compounds in Food supplements & 'Pre - Workouts'

               As we know, the meaning of ''food supplement'' is needed elements that can be taken from any of the vitamins or whatever other natural ,organic or chemical food supplement. Famous types of food supplements are the 'Pre-Workouts' used in body building.


Pre-workouts are touted as they are the source that gives you energy and makes you be able to get your incredible pumps. They claim to give you focus and drive to finish the most intense workouts as well .They’ve also been reported to cause dangerous side-effects, These news reports discussed a chemical called 1-3 dimethylamylamine or DMAA. Methylhexanamine, also known as 1,3-dimethylamylamine , geranamine  or DMAA, is an organic chemical compound manufactured as a synthetic powder.

This is a form of amphetamine that releases norepinephrine in the central of nervous system and may also act as a direct agonist on 5-HT receptors (serotonin) and at higher doses may also release serotonin. What does this mean? Well it means your brain gets overloaded with a whole bunch of neurostimulants and you feel like talking 1000 words per second, running 3 minute miles and otherwise doing anything and everything in a focused and speedy manner.

The good news is that the companies that were making these supplements were ordered by the FDA to stop and destroy them, but just in case here is a list of other names that DMAA goes by:

 1,3-DMAA.
 1,3-Dimethylamylamine.
 1,3-Dimethylpentylamine.
 2-Amino-4-methylhexane.
 2-Hexanamine, 4-methyl- (9CI).
 4-Methyl-2-hexanamine.
 4-Methyl-2-hexylamine.
 Dimethylamylamine.
 Geranamine.
 Methylhexanamine.
 Methylhexanenamine.
 Pelargonium graveolens extract.
 Geranium extract

          Most of ''Pre-Workouts'' contain l-arginine or l-citrulline. These are amino acids which help to increase the production of (NO) or nitric oxide. (NO) is what is responsible about vasodilation which means that it opens up the blood vessels to allow more blood flow into the muscles.

          Some drugs such as nitroglycerin, used for angina, use this principle to open up vessels in the cardiac muscle to relieve chest pain. Because the muscles are able to receive more blood they become engorged and feel inflated or pumped. And then it feels as if though the muscles are super tight and huge. It is a pretty cool feeling if I do say so myself.

Some study looked at men doing leg extensions with or without a tourniquet. Increasing in growth hormone were seen as well as norepinephrine and lactate over controls. While this study doesn’t show strength increases because it was just one round it does suggest that the proper hormones are in place to increase strength such as growth hormone and norepinephrine and lactate.

And this was to show how much our life is full of organic chemistry even in the simplest stuff in life, and this is why I love organic chemistry, and I would like to thank it that it made me understand a lot in life.

Friday, November 14, 2014

‘’How do I choose the right cosmetic for my body?’’

 In general, cosmetics are body care substances  that  are used by almost everyone in the 21st century to enhance our appearance. There are many types of cosmetics, such as body lotions, for instance shaving creams, shampoos , conditioner, and of course makeup. However, when choosing a makeup, it is most important to ensure that it is little or not a mixture of synthetic compounds as these are linked to cancer, infertility of birth defect, rashes, allergies and many more . As a result of this, it has led to an increased rate of breast cancer incidence since  untested  chemicals have now been introduced steadily. 

An example of organic cosmetics is the picture above.

                 It is  important to note that most of these substances are also  used  in industrial manufacturing  processes  to  clean  industrial equipment, stabilize  pesticides,  and grease gears, hence it of course logically synthetic chemicals might not be the best thing to put on ones face or body :/

              However, even in using organic chemicals in cosmetology, there are a few harmful effects, however it is to be noted that it is mainly caused only after prolonged used and there are more pro’s than cons. For example:

1.      Butyl acetate

  • It is used in producing nail straighteners and nail polishes
  • Its vapour may cause dizziness or drowsiness.  Excess usage causes the skin to crack and become  dry.

2.  Butylated hydroxotoulene

  •  It act as antioxidant which helps to slow the rate at which  a  product changes colour over time,
  •  It may cause   skin and eye irritation.

3. Formaldehyde
  •  It used as  a disinfectant  and preservative  in a variety  of products  such as soaps, deodorant, shaving cream,  adhesive, shampoo, nail polish.
  •  It causes multiple health concerns such as cancer,  immune system damage,  genetic damage, triggering asthma and eye irritation

4. Diethanolamine  (DEA)
  • It is used as  emulsifiers  and foaming agents  in  products  such as shampoos, shaving creams, moisturizers, and baby  washes.
  •  It can  acts as a carcinogen because it can be  absorbed  into the body through the skin
  • It disrupts the hormone in the body.

5. Coal  tar
  •  It dissolves  dead skin cells ,  it is used to control itching and scaling  in the body.
  •  It is a human carcinogen  which could cause cancer.

  • It is found in nail polish and hair dye, it  acts as  a solvent to improve adhesion  and add  gloss.
  •  It causes  reproductive and developmental damage,
  •  It can be carcinogenic  and it also causes  liver and  kidney damage.

7. Lead  acetate       
  •  It  used in making toothpaste , it is also added as  an ingredient in some  lipsticks  and   men’s hair dye
  • Prolonged  use of product contain   this substance causes  brain damage and developmental delays even at extremely low concentration.

8. Phthalates
  •  It is used to keep  colour and scent  dissolved  in nail polish , perfume ,  hair spray and  others.
  •  It causes  low sperm count in male, genital birth defects,  it also reduces  female fertility

Hence, in conclusion, it is advised to always consult a dermatologist or a doctor, or simply doing your research on choosing the right cosmetic ,be it synthetic or organic. 

What are Organic Compounds?

               In going through our daily life, whether it is buying cosmetics for ladies , choosing the perfect scent of perfume, or choosing the right type of fuel for our cars that we love so much, first of all we would definitely choose a substance that is safe to use. Safe in this context, meaning a product that does not render harmful effects to us, or has more benefits than damages. In short, the simplest way to do so is by making sure our products composition is organic, that is it obeys the laws of organic chemistry…
But what actually is organic chemistry???

             According to the thoughts of the mango people, those uninvolved in the study of science to be precise, organic simply means “natural.”  For instance,  gardeners speak of using organic fertilizer meaning putting something natural like compost or manure on their plants instead of a substance that is human-made, or synthetic fertilizers. The difference of natural (organic) compounds and synthetic compounds can be described in the venn diagram below :

             However, in the minds of chemists, organic chemistry is defined by a substance that is “carbon-based.” To be exact, an organic compound is any compound that contains carbon. Almost all living things are made of compounds containing mostly carbon, hence there is a variety of usage of organic chemistry in our daily life.